My brother has been nagging me for the last 8 months and has been insisting that i start a blog so here i am. Im Andrew.
Ive been thinking over the last couple of days what i should expect the outcome of my blog to be...should it be about my hobbies or maybe about my Photography Business - PhotoSauce? Should it be about my everyday living or even PhotoShop tutorials for both beginners or advanced users? I made a decision that my Blog will include all these subjects. I think the outcome is to be able to share who i am and what interests me and in doing so...maybe helping others understands things that they may not at the moment.
I am 29 years old and live in Johannesburg, South Africa. I am a Photographer by trade and really try shoot any photo shoot that i can. My better part of my work specializes in Weddings and the Jewish Barmitzvah's and Batmitzvah's. My religious belief is that i was born half Greek (from my mother) and half Jewish (from my father). In my adult life that i have lived so far i feel its benefited me and my brother due to the fact that it has taught us respect for other people. Coming from a Rainbow Nation...i really wish other people would have that same belief.
Ive lived in South Africa most of my trying out London for a bit. Not my scene. I love it here...i love my country and the people that i try surround myself with.
I am a Photographer and own a business called PhotoSauce. My site address is
I was a late bloomer into the world of Arts. I know where i get it from. My brother is a Senior Software Developer. His name is Peter. My mother is an artist...always trying new things and new ideas. My dad...well...not the creative type. He is more of the planner and the financial advisor of the family.
My main hobby at the moment is Sports Shooting. I shoot 9mm handguns. I absolutely love it. Photography used to be my hobby and since is became not only my passion but also my job...i felt the dying need to find myself a hobby where i can be in my own space and just let loose. Ive also loved guns and grew up not being able to play with them. I got my first gun only a few weeks ago and went through the whole process of it. I practice a lot so in my Gun Club...i have climbed the ranks slowly but surely.
This is my introduction and i hope that we can learn together and enjoy each others company through my blog. Please feel free to always comment and help me through the way.
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